I have found me a home…

Thanks for stopping by seanhare.com. I throw something up here every now and then. Check the links in the menu at the top (sparse, I know!).

If you want to read some of the back story to 8th and High, you’ve come to the right website. It can be found here.

A short clip of the song is available to preview. I will post the full song as well some time after May 21st.

If you are in the Baldwin City area, why not head down to 8th and High (yea, it’s really a place) and stop in at the Lumberyard Arts Center where you can view great local arts, shop at Lucy’s Corner, and/or pick up an authentic-old-school-compact-disc of the song for any amount of in-kind donation to the Lumberyard Arts Center’s “Live On High” music series.

Check out Homestead Bakery – great breakfast and lunch menu or eat at one of the other fine places downtown. Take the Lucy Sullivan walking trail and visit the Woman’s Bridge (it’s still there) or take a leisurely stroll through Baker University’s grounds with a cup of coffee. There’s lots to do and we do it all at 8th and High (if you don’t know it, don’t worry, it’s just a thing from the song).

And if you’d like to see what I term geeky studio pictures from Mount Willis Productions where John D. Willis recorded the tracks for the full production of the song, you can see those by visiting this gallery page.

If you need to reach me, you probably already know how so I’ll catch you around sometime. Just give me a ‘holler!